That’s me on the left. That’s also me on the right.
I’ve been sitting on some exciting news about becoming a legit published author that I’ve been dying to share with the world. I’ve also been clapping my hand to my mouth so I didn’t blab it before knowing it was actually, truly going to happen.
It hasn’t happened yet, you fool. Said me to me.
If you didn’t grow up with the Kevin Sullivan sequel to Anne of Green Gables as one of the 10 movies your family owned, my apologies. This photo might not mean anything to you. Let me explain in non-Anne.
Almost three years ago I was contacted about writing a book. It wasn’t the right time. I just knew it wasn’t the right time. We were in the middle of a huge life transition–selling our house, completely changing careers, getting rid of half of our earthly possessions, and preparing to move our family across the country.
At the time we had a baby, a toddler, and a 5-year-old. I could barely keep my head above water, there was no way I could publish a book. So I said thanks for thinking of me but not today and shelved that dream for awhile, knowing I was in a season of change and lots of growing and hoping that I hadn’t missed my only chance.
The next three years ended up being a crazy busy but exciting season of life in every possible way. I started doing more writing, more podcasting, more speaking. Had a few conversations with editors about a real book project, but I knew it just wasn’t the right time. We were still in the middle of a season of growing–learning about ourselves, what we wanted our lives to look like, how we want our family to thrive, and experiencing some life-changing days living on the farm where Daniel was doing his internship.
And then we came out the other side. Daniel completed his internship and began working on staff at the farm. We bought a hundred year old house in Waco and put down roots. We took a deep breath. It was finally the right time.
This spring I worked on a book proposal. I’m so excited to share that it was accepted by Ave Maria Press and my first traditionally published book will come out in Fall of 2018!
That’s me ready to mail off my signed book contract! The real deal!
So do you want to know what it’s about? The working title is Deep Roots: Unearthing Happiness in a Throwaway Culture. Pope Francis talks about “the Throwaway culture”–how we understand both the earth and people to be commodities for our consumption. The Gospel is the antidote, but we’ve lost so many practices and virtues that refocus our view toward truly abundant life and away from the culture of affluence and death. These virtues are things like simplicity, hospitality, creation care, generosity, openness to life, community engagement, love for beauty, prayerful devotion, and home-centered family life. Simple things like slowing down to cook and eat dinner with people you love or living with less so that your “stuff” doesn’t own you, things that shouldn’t really be newsworthy but have been so lost in the past few generations that we are longing for a simpler, slower, intentional life. Sure maybe we all Instagram our food too much, but it comes from the natural desire to connect with other humans being around the table–a desire that is good and fully human, not to mention imbued with Christian significance.
The story of what led up to our year on the farm and our experience with community farm life will be the narrative that drives it. So it will be part memoir. Our year on the farm confirmed for us that yes, you can be very happy without all the bells and whistles of the culture of affluence. Even if that means not having a flushing toilets for 12 months. And it reminded us that the first step in fighting the Throwaway Culture might just be having your neighbor over to dinner.
So I’ll be spending this summer writing, writing, and writing some more. I’m excited, nervous, intimidated, thrilled, and terrified.
I shared the news with my email newsletter subscribers first a few days ago (psst! you can sign up here!), but along with this announcement I wanted to say thank you for being here in this space. For supporting me, encouraging me, conversing, and being part of this little Carrots community. Because this wouldn’t be happening without YOU.
Things might be a tad quieter around these parts for a few months while I’m spending almost every waking minute that I’m not with the kids working on the book. But I’ll still be popping in once or twice a week because sometimes I just need to talk about Anne of Green Gables, or that new Turkish miniseries I fell in love with, or my favorite spots in Waco. I won’t be able to keep away.
Can’t wait to get all these words floating in my head on paper and into your hands!
Congratulations! That’s so exciting–and we’re all excited to read it, too! And give copies as Christmas gifts… because I already know it’s going to be wonderful.
This is awesome! I’m loving the premise thus far- I don’t feel like there are enough good Catholic books that cover this topic. Consumerism vs. Catholicism is my jam.
That is fantastic news. I appreciate your writing style, and the topic of your book is so timely in my life as of late, especially how it relates to raising your littles (4yo, 2yo, and 3mo here!). Wish I didn’t have to wait until 2018 🙂 congrats on your book deal!
Congratulations Haley! Best wishes on this project!
Congrats! I’m so thrilled for you! (And thrilled for us readers because the topic is so relevant…can’t wait to read it 🙂 God bless! I’m rooting for you! 🙂
Congratulations! I can’t wait to read it!
Hurray! So excited to read it. I’ll be praying for you through the process!
This is wonderful news. From the description, it sounds as if this is the book I need in my life right now. And I always enjoy your writing. Congratulations!
Hurray! Congratulations!
Congratulations!! I am looking forward to reading it!!
Congratulations! What a wonderful topic. I am really looking forward to reading it.
Where’s the pre-pre-order button?! Congrats and looking forward to reading it!
Congrats! The topic sounds incredibly interesting. As someone said above, I too am interested in writing and reading about Catholicism and the related practices that serve as the antidote to our consumerist/throw-away culture. Can’t wait to read it when it’s done! In the meanwhile, congrats and happy writing!
Wonderful news (even when read the second time around 😉 ) Will definitely get your book pre-ordered when that becomes available.
Oh, oh, oh! I’m so thrilled for you, Haley!
I’m so impressed at your ability to wait. SJ says that’s making decisions from a place of abundance. It’s beautiful to see in action and testifies to how great your book will be because your life narrative already provided a teaser.
Congratulations! Looking forward to it.
Congrats, Haley! I know it will be wonderful!
Congratulations! It sounds wonderful!
The other day, I was looking at my bookshelf, and my eyes rested on “Morning Sun on a White Piano (Simple Pleasures and the Sacramental Life)” by Robin R. Meyers. I thought, “gee–I wish there were more books like that out there!”
Now there WILL BE! Oh, boy! But it will be your story, told through your perspective–I´m so looking forward to reading it! Come on, 2018! 😉
Awesomeness!! Oh the title of the book sounds wonderful!! Can’t wait to read it!
This sounds so amazing! Those are all the themes I try to live life by, and I’m so excited for you to put it down all in one concise place. I’ll be first in line to buy your book!!
And just a side note, I too am in the stage of life with tiny kiddos that cool opportunities just aren’t always doable and I often have to say no. No to really really cool things. It’s nice to hear that opportunities always come up, and saying Bonnie doesn’t mean saying no forever.
Regardless, congrats on your book deal, so excited for you!! Good luck, and many blessings on your writing, your family, and everything in between!
Wow, saying “Bonnie”. I meant saying no now doesn’t mean no forever. Haha!
SO exciting Haley!!! The title is already grabbing my eye, let us know when we can pre-order! 🙂
What a wonderful announcement! I will definitely look for it when the pre order is available. May the Holy Spirit guide your creative process. 🙂
That’s so exciting! Can’t wait to read it. Your love of deep roots and simpler, community-oriented living has always drawn me to your blog!
Congratulations, Haley! How exciting! The title is very intriguing! Thank you for being an inspiring voice in a culture stuck in The Doldrums. We are kindred spirits! I look forward to reading your book!
That is so exciting! Congratulations!
I’m particularly interested in the content of the book. I am currently a faith-based community organizer, which means I encourage faith communities to do justice in their cities as well as mercy work. We use Pope Francis’ talks about the Throwaway culture a lot, actually. Because so often injustices are caused by a cultural narrative of scarcity, which leads us to horde what we have for ourselves.
Looking forward to reading it when it’s done!
That is so exciting! Can’t wait to read it! Prayers for the process, for sure. 🙂
Oh my goodness! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy! This is the coolest!