As you might know, I struggle with a really miserable autoimmune disease called Interstitial Cystitis. While I was able to go into remission a few years ago by getting my health in order naturally (after many failed attempts to get better through conventional Western medicine), it came back with a vengeance 18 months ago in the stress of selling our house and moving to the farm.
For several months I was in pain 24/7, had severe fatigue and brain fog so bad it was hard to even respond to text messages without feeling overwhelmed. It’s taken months to recover my health (even though I’m not 100% in remission yet) and deal with the bummer realization that beating IC once doesn’t mean it will disappear forever—I HAVE to stay on top of my health or else I’ll be paying for it for months afterwards.
Since I think I’ve learned a ton over the past year and a half, I wanted to share some of the big changes I’ve made (or recommitted to) that have helped me be pain free again:
Cut out the sugar.
This is basically misery for me because I have always been a Sugaraholic. That’s probably why I have the health issues I have in the first place. Overconsumption of sugar can result in Candida overgrowth which is a major factor in my IC. When I’m eating sugar I get blood sugar issues (crazy spikes and crashes) and feel like a truck ran over me when I try to get out of bed in the morning. I even get a racing heart and other weird symptoms so although I’m NOT 100% sugar free (because my willpower is weak), the less I eat the better I feel.
Cut out the gluten.
When my oldest kid, Benjamin, was hospitalized for the first time due to his asthma (another autoimmune condition), we insisted that he see an allergist because I was convinced that some of his triggers were food-related, probably gluten. The doctors brushed me off but we were adamant and they finally gave us a referral. Lo and behold his test results showed a gluten allergy! Mom instinct vindicated. I know GF is seen as a fad diet, but after seeing the difference in my kids and in myself, I’m convinced some of us just can’t handle it. Since gluten is inflammatory and can be detrimental to gut health, we just cut it out for all the kids and rarely eat it at home ourselves. Again, I’m not 100% perfect in this department, but gluten is a rarity and I feel better without it.
Green cleaning products.
If there’s nasty stuff in your environment, your body is going to be working harder. A few years ago I switched to green cleaning, either some trusted products or making my own cleaning products with simple ingredients and essential oils. I don’t miss the toxic stuff.
Eating more veggies.
I didn’t meet a vegetable I liked until high school when Daniel cooked for me and I wanted to impress him by eating something green. I’ve never been a big veggie eater but that’s changed in the past decade. Because my symptoms get much worse when I’m eating/drinking an acidic diet, all those alkaline veggies are a must.
Getting more sleep.
Your body can’t heal if you’re not giving it enough rest. While getting a full night’s sleep almost never happens (one out of three of the kids always wakes up ALWAYS) getting 7-9 hours of sleep is necessary for me to feel well and not get worn down again.
Cutting out coffee and alcohol.
I know, I know. Giving up alcohol is miserable but giving up COFEE?! That’s my life blood. Unfortunately, drinking coffee or alcohol results in weeks of pain for me. While I miss coffee desperately, it’s not worth writhing in pain over for days after I consume it. At first I thought I would surely die with it and I cried almost every day for a few weeks. Then I thought about how much I wanted coffee constantly for six months. THEN it got better. Now I rarely think about it. I get herbal tea or a vanilla steamer when I go to a coffee shop (black and green tea is still too acidic for me) and I don’t want to punch Daniel in the gut when he’s making his morning coffee. I do grab his cup to smell it and remember the good ol days.
More quiet space in my life.
One of the things my acupuncturist helped me see is that my life had very little quiet space. I homeschool three boisterous little ones which is physically AND mentally taxing. And then as soon as they were down for nap or bedtime, I’d open up my laptop to write posts, answer emails, or interact on social media. While that’s not a physically taxing activity, it’s a loud activity for my brain. I had very little time that was quiet time to just relax, drink a cup of chamomile tea, read a book, take a bath, pray, reflect, etc. So quiet space is something I’ve been carving out time for.
Adding movement.
Since my third baby was born and I stopped teaching ballet, I really didn’t replace it with any kind of good movement. And when my IC flared up, I really COULDN’T do any kind of movement without being in serious pain. So now that I’m feeling much better I’ve been adding in walking and some good stretching/yoga I do in my living room.
One thing I’ve realized is that you kind of have to get better to get better. You have to start with one thing and that thing will positively impact other things and then unlock other possibilities. Movement and exercise is really good for my health, but until I got well enough to not be in pain, it wasn’t an option. It was the same thing with food. Eating a variety of veggies and fruits is a good thing, but when anything slightly acidic made me writhe in pain, it couldn’t be on the table. Now that coffee, tea, and alcohol are the only things I can’t tolerate, I can really focus on getting all the nutrients I need from good veggies, fruits, and proteins.
Finding an expert to help you meet your health goals.
Last October I was falling apart emotionally because I felt like all I did was Google things that might help my IC and was overwhelmed without a real guide to help me find the right information. That’s when Daniel told me I really needed to find a health practitioner because the extra stress was only making me worse. The internet is such an information overload that if you don’t have someone helping you curate it all, you can just fall into despair. I started going to a highly recommended Catholic acupuncturist and she has been amazing! With a combination of Chinese herbs and acupuncture treatment, my symptoms started diminishing and now I feel almost like a normal person again.
Because not everyone can go to my acupuncturist, I wanted to point you in the direction of a fantastic resource that does some of the heavy lifting for you. The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle removes the overwhelm of finding quality resources to help you take charge of your own health. It’s a treasure trove of wellness resources on everything fro healing your gut to paleo eating to raising healthy kids. But it’s only available for TWO DAYS!
You can grab it for just $29.97!
While not every book and ecourse will apply to everyone (and really, who has time to read 68 books!) at that price it’s such a steal even if you only use 4 or 5 of the resources. Some of the courses are more than $300 if purchased separately and the free bonuses alone are worth more than $150 (I am definitely grabbing the Maca Powder! Love that stuff!).
Definitely take a look at what’s included if you want to improve your family’s health but need a push in the right direction. I’ll even sweeten the deal. If you order through my affiliate link, you can take your pick of any of my 4 ebooks and I’ll send it over as a thank you. You can choose from my liturgical year books: Feast! and More Feasts! as well as Daniel’s gluten-free breakfast cookbook and Making Big Life Changes Together–my book on pursuing your dreams while maintaining a healthy marriage. Just fill out this Google Doc with your email and which ebook you want so I know where to send the PDF! But remember the sale only lasts til Monday (and it’s 99% off, so you really don’t want to miss it!)
But the sale only lasts until Monday, so check out all that’s included before it’s gone!
Disclosure: Links to the bundle sale are affiliate links which means that at no additional cost to you, a portion of the sales made through my links will benefit my family. Thank you so much for supporting Carrots!
Love your blog sweetie. Crazy to see you in love with Waco. I’m a 6th generation Wacoan….and I just moved to Galveston. I still love my hometown and am a history nut for the area since we’ve been there forever. ALL of my family is there and we come back every 4-6 weeks. Please private message me more info on your acupuncturist (sp?) I am so interested and would love to talk with someone – especially Catholic – when I come back to Waco.
6th generation! That’s amazing! The more Waco history I learn, the more I love it.
I’ll email you about my acupuncturist! <3
Haley! SO hard! I’m glad that you’ve been on the track to healing/feeling better and that you’re finding things that work for you! Definitely sounds like there are sacrifices (coffee + alcohol alone would do me in!) but I love how you seem to be abandoning yourself to the good He has for you in this path. Prayers for continued healing! I can’t imagine dealing with constant physical pain while trying to mother + homeschool! The brief stint I have of the constant pain after my cesareans is rough enough but we usually have help! You’re amazing and a gift!
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Amanda! <3
Are you able to drink Dandy Blend? It’s dandelion root and chicory, and a bitter drink in a coffee kind of way.
Haley! I so feel you on many levels. We are not a GF family entirely (my husband could never would never). BUT, my son has autism and a GF diet has just done wonders. I know people will say it is a fad or all in your head but truly it has made him calmer and more normal in certain departments. Our health should not be taken for granted and we should be good stewards! So sorry to hear of you having a tough time with this– hope you continue to feel better all the time!
I have celiac disease so gluten is out for me. I’m also Mormon so that takes out coffee, tea, and alcohol. But how do you cut down on the sugar? I’m seriously addicted to sugar and want to cut down how much is in my diet.
A lot of what you say resonates. I am a Catholic momma with LS and it is awful. Thanks for sharing!
Nice article! I’m already doing a few stuff, what I didn’t see mentioned was adding superfoods to your diet? You believe in this hype or not? Like Kurkuma, chlorella, …
I don’t know what to believe regarding this topic because I read so much differentiating stuff. I’m glad this article is back to basics. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope you will fully recover!
I’ve also dealt with autoimmune issues most of my life (eczema here), and it’s astonishing how much stress affects it! I finally got my COMPLETELY in remission this fall after discovering Norwex Body Cloths. Even though I had gone as completely natural with skin care as I could (scentless homemade soap, food-grade oils for moisturizing, etc.), it still just didn’t get rid of several problem spots. I didn’t know that my skin could actually be this healthy, I don’t even have to moisturize every day anymore 🙂
Diet plays some part in mine, but it takes a pretty long stretch of poor eating to do anything. Stress and whatever my skin comes in contact with are my biggest triggers.
I’m so glad you’ve discovered what helps yours. Although it can be difficult following a strict health protocol, it’s so relieving to actually know what to watch for!
I love, love, love hearing about other Catholics seeking out alternative health options. As an herbalist, I sometimes feel very alone, as I’m certainly not reading tarot cards with my fellow wellness practitioners, but often get dubbed a “witch” in more religious circles. I’m so glad you are finding your way back to health naturally!
I think there’s just so much ignorance about medicine that isn’t conventional western medicine and people just assume anything unfamiliar must be tainted with the New Age or something. It’s frustrating! <3
I have hashimoto’s and suffer from some of the same symptoms you do when I consume sugar, dairy, coffee and gluten. I also have Candida in top of this, and it is a bear! These autoimmune diseases such the joy out if life. Thankfully, the sacraments and praying are a salvation when it is especially bad.
I think candida is one of my issues, too. 🙁