*Oops! Looks like you missed the 2015 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle! To find out about future bundles click here.
Well, this is it. Less than 24 hours to go. The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Sale–a library of homemaking resources, ebooks, and ecourses–ends tonight at midnight (Monday, April 27th)! It’s been awesome hearing from readers about how much you love the bundle, your favorite books and bonuses, and how you plan to use everything you learned.
To everyone who ordered through our link, THANK YOU. Daniel and I appreciate your support so much and the sales really are a huge blessing to our family!
So, to wrap up the sale I thought I’d post a fun list of the awesomeness the 2015 Homemaking Bundle brings to you:
1. A free new scarf from Deborah & Co. (value $20) for looking cute or nursing confidently (and in style).
I’m even wondering if I could use mine to veil in Mass. I got the cream one. What do you think?
2. Daniel Bearman in your kitchen to revolutionize breakfast.
Daniel is this super handsome ultra marathoner guy that I have a fangirl crush on–I’m also married to him. Well, ok, HE won’t be in your kitchen, but his recipes (view a sample) will be because he made you a beautiful new breakfast cookbook to inspire you with easy, healthy recipes called Beyond the Cereal Box. (Just don’t forget to email me–haley.s.stewart@gmail.com–your bundle receipt after ordering through our author link and I’ll send your freebie cookbook over. This thank you gift is just for Carrots readers.)
3. All NEW books, courses, and bonuses!
That’s right, this ain’t the 2014 bundle. If you loved last year’s bundle, this is a whole new library of great resources.
4. A solution to the rainy day kids-climbing-up-the-walls problem.
Pass them the FREE box of Green Kid Crafts (value $19.95) so they can put together educational crafts and you don’t have to find the supplies–they’re right there in the handy little baggies for each activity. Or check out the included ebook on Sensory Bins, throw some together, and let them go to town!
5. Your faith in your dining room.
This bundle includes Daniel and my book More Feasts! Celebrating Saints and Seasons with Simple Real Food Recipes full of yummy meal ideas, reflections on saints and liturgical seasons, and tips for bringing your faith into your family.
6. The resources to start a blogging business or learn how to work from home.
This is a dream close to my heart and from all the emails I get about starting to blog or work from home, it seems like a popular desire for mamas of young children. Read Ruth Soukup’s fantastic Blogging for Profit Without Selling Your Soul to get you started on your blogging journey or if blogging’s not your style, check out How to Be a Work at Home Mom by Prerna Malik or my friend Anne Bogel (Modern Mrs. Darcy)’s wonderful book about women and work/family balance How She Does It.
7. The knowledge to treat minor childhood illnesses and ailments in the comfort of your home with A Parent’s Guide to Natural Remedies e-course.
It’s usually $99 so getting it for $30 as part of the bundle is a steal. I tried out the ear ache essential oils remedy when I had an ear infection this week and you know what? It totally worked! (P.S. I’m giving away lavender essential oils from Young Living and a Kindle Fire HD7! to two lucky winners but it ends tonight so don’t forget!)
8. Books and ecourses on natural cleaning products to practice green cleaning in your home.
9. Help to organize the chaos in your life.
Start with Tsh Oxenreider’s ebook One Bite at a Time (so good!) and learn how to slowly and surely bring order to your life. Whether it’s decluttering your junk, organizing your paperwork, or running your household smoothly, there’s something for every unorganized mama out there:
10. Financial and frugal living resources to help you save up to pursue your passions and change your life.
Learn how to save through financial ecourses, meal planning. grocery couponing, and frugal living books so you can get out of the waiting season and start pursuing your dreams.
11. Inspiration from tons of new cookbooks and recipes.
You can learn to cook gluten-free if that’s your style or you can learn how to meal plan and save money on healthy food.
12. Help for the homeschooling mom.
Whether homeschooling or interested in homeschooling the bundle’s gotcha covered with some great resources.
13. A FREE class from Craftsy.com (up to $60 value) so you can get your crafty on.
Want to learn how to knit, garden, cook, use your digital camera, or sew? I am so excited about that digital photography course! It kind of blows my mind when I think that the price of the bundle ($29.97) is like getting a Craftsy class half price……and then you add on 100 ebooks, ecourses, and bonuses.
But time is running out! The sale ends at midnight tonight-Monday, April 27th.
This bundle was my Mother’s Day gift to myself! So glad I picked it up I’m learning so much!
Yay! I’m so glad, Nicola! 🙂 I’ll email you Daniel’s thank you gift cookbook after the sale ends. <3
Got it! Just in time!
I just ordered through your link. I am so excited! I am not on Facebook so I can’t join in on the fun there. I did enter your giveaways. Thank you Haley!! I follow you on IG, I am glad you gave the reminder for the bundle. I almost forgot!!
Thanks so much, Kirsten! I know you’ll love the bundle 🙂 And I’m so glad I did an IG reminder!
Thans for this reminder Haley! I ordered mine yesterday just in time and I’m already loving it!
Oh great! So glad you love it 😉
Hi Haley,
I veil at Mass and yes – the scarf would look really great! I believe they make infinity veils now. They are so helpful when you have kids – especially when they are trying tug it off!
Thanks for the share and God Bless!