This post is sponsored by Shining Light Dolls.
I have a treat for you today!
A few months ago, I shared about what we were stuffing our kids’ Easter baskets with. I was having a hard time finding something for Baby Gwen that she wouldn’t choke on. And I found Shining Light Dolls and their baby-friendly Our Lady of Guadalupe doll (the stars on her mantle made me think of my Gwen Stellamaris).
I’ve been so impressed by how it’s held up this year despite being chewed on and played with in the bathtub! The dolls are all one piece so there’s nothing to break off and become a chocking hazard and they’ve been safety tested for children of all ages.
I was just thinking about ordering some of the other dolls in their collection for the kids St. Nicholas Day presents when I got an email from them offering to do a giveaway for my readers! Lucky you!
Shining Light Dolls sent me a few of their vinyl collectible dolls to review and I am thrilled to have them in time for St. Nicholas Day! (We give our children their presents on December 6th to celebrate St. Nicholas and his generosity.) Typically they receive a new pair of shoes, some edible treats, pretty picture books, and a toy or two.
This year, they’ll also get Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Knock, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Nicholas, and St. Patrick.
The girl will share the dolls of Our Lady:
And Benjamin will get St. Nicholas and St. Patrick–two of his favorites.
Each figure comes with facts about the saint and a prayer for their feast day and 10% of all profits go to charity. I try to be really intentional about our gift purchases and it always feels good to support small Catholic businesses. And I think they would make the perfect little gift for my baby goddaughter!
And so…..the giveaway prize! Shining Light Dolls is offering one set of their available dolls to a lucky reader! Enter with the rafflecopter widget below. U.S. entries only please due to shipping costs. Giveaway ends Monday night, November 24th at midnight EST.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Shining Light Dolls. Review and giveaway products for readers were complimentary. All opinions are my own and I only promote quality products I have purchased in the past or would purchase myself.
We love our Guadalupe Shining Light doll and wild be thrilled to have another doll for our kids to play with!
*would be…sorry for the typo! 🙂
Love the ideas, thanks!
I love our Lady of Aparecida! My husband is from Brazil so it has special meaning to us! 🙂 Beautiful dolls.
Our oldest girl LOVES to carry around (and put in her mouth) our nativity set, so she would LOVE playing with these dolls!
Love these! They would be great gifts for my children and God children!
I would love their Lady of Lourdes for our baby Maria!
I love Our Lady of Knock Shining Lights Doll! They are all so unique!
Our Lady of Guadalupe is adorable!
My parents are from Cuba, I am so happy to see Our Lady of Charity!
These are so cute
Hi, I love Our Lady of Knock. I would love to win these dolls. I live in Ireland and despite this giveaway not being opened to over seas residents..if I were to win this giveaway I would be happy to pay the shipping costs to Ireland
I love St Nicholas! My boys would love him too!
Our family loves these dolls! Our Lady of Lourdes is a very special person in our house as we believe we receive many miracles with her intercession. We also have a few of the named saints in our house (Patrick and JPII) and would love to have our children have these precious dolls to play with!
I was JUST looking at these yesterday and thought they would be perfect for my 1 and 3 year olds!! Then the next day you post about it. Must be a sign I should order some! 😀
My little girls love playing with “little people” and I have always wanted to find a Catholic version of them. These look perfect!!
I love all the Marian dolls, but especially the Our Lady of Czestochowa one!
Our Lady of Kebaho!!!!!
These shining light dolls are wonderful. I discovered them a while back and have been hoping to find the funds and the excuse to purchase them for my daughters. 🙂 Thanks for hosting the giveaway
O, and I think that while I’d love any of the Mary dolls, the st. Nicholas doll would be perfect considering his feast is coming up soon.
Such beautiful, beautiful dolls! I love them!
I love St. Nicholas!
I was going to get two of these for our kids’ shoes for St. Nicholas day! Would love to win one, though!
Oops, forgot to tell you my fave–either St. Nicholas or Our Lady of Lourdes. 🙂
I love the Our Lady of China doll.
They’re all just so adorable, it’s hard to choose! Maybe Our Lady of Knock, since our daughter has an Irish connection.
What a timely post! I was just about to start my St. Nicholas shopping. These would be perfect and are so adorable!
I love the Our Lady of China, though it looks like there’s no way to buy that one right now. Sad day!
My favorite is Our Lady of Guadalupe…my daughter is 21 months old, so I would need something that holds up to being chewed and repeatedly banged against stuff!
St. Padre Pio and Our Lady of Mount Carmel
All the dolls are beautiful, but I’m partial to Our Lady of Lourdes!
Adorable, my girls would love all of these.
Oh I just have to get these for my almost 1 year old! So sweet and would be perfect!
I love Our Lady of Kibeho, and am so sad that they are no longer making it!!
I love them all! But, Our Lady of Guadeloupe is my favorite! I would also love Mother Theresa when she’s available, too. And, definitely St. Nicholas!
St. Patrick
These are going in my girls’ Christmas stockings too.
St. Francis or Padre Pio!
Oh. Em. Gee. I want them all! I guess I’m falling into the holiday spirit, because I just LOVE the St. Nicholas doll!
Thank you for the giveaway! I really love Our Lady of Guadalupe, but am torn between her and Our Lady of Mt Carmel. 🙂
Love Our Lady of Lourdes doll.. would make a sweet gift for my 6 month old daughter’s first Christmas 🙂
My favorite is Our Lady of Kibeho!
OMG I die for that st Patrick doll! My friends and I were toying around with the idea of making some saint peg people but had to table it because we’re all pregnant or have newborns 😉 these would be an awesome and even better sub!!
love these!
St. Therese would be perfect for my goddaughter! Thanks so much for sharing…I plan on buying one even if I don’t win 🙂
and your niece! 😉
Ooooooh! How adorable! The st. Nick is my favorite, but I didn’t see him on their site. Of the Mary’s, the black Madonna is the most exquisite!
They’re all so adorable, but Our Lady of Guadalupe is my favorite!
Our Lady of Guadalupe! Her feast is on my birthday, and my baby granddaughter is named after her. 🙂
Would love the st Nicholas doll!
We have one of these for our 8 month old daughter and we love it! It’s great for quiet Mass entertainment 🙂
We have Our Lady of Guadalupe, and it would be lovely to have others so that the kiddos can stop fighting over her at Mass 😉
I already decided a while back to buy Our Lady of Knock for my 3-year-old niece for Christmas, but a set of dolls would be even better!
I love the Our Lady of Guadalupe doll!
I’m excited that I actually have a kid now for all of your good kid giveaways!
I’d love to get the St. Nicholas one!
Love the our lady of Guadalupe. Looking forward to seeing saint Francis.
I would LOVE the St. Nick one for the feast this year!
These are fantastic! They’d make a perfect gift for my goddaughter. Thanks for the heads up!
I just ordered a few of these for St. Nicholas Day gifts! 🙂
These are all my kiddos would LOVE them So cute! On the wish list.
It’s a close race but Guadalupe is at the top of my wish list.
I love these! I would love to have one for my 10 month old 🙂
I love them all! St. Therese is beautiful though!
Gaaaah!!! I’ve been wanting all of these!! That St Nicholas is too cute, but I just love all of the Our Ladies!! 🙂
They are all so cute! I can’t pick a favorite.
My favorite is the St. Therese doll. I also like all the Mary ones! These would make great gifts for my little siblings/Godchildren.
We love these dolls! It would be nice to have a male Saint to go along with Our Lady here. 🙂
I love these dolls! i have been eyeing them for a while. I do wish Our Lady of China would become available.
You always find the cutest things! Love it.
How cute! My boys would *love* these! We give small gifts for St. Nick’s day, too. 🙂
Oh my gosh! My son asked for a “saints” playmobil for Christmas (in other words, doll/action figure type saints)…I told him I didn’t think they existed- I was WRONG! Yay! I quite like the Our Lady of Knock doll.
These dolls are so adorable! I have a 1yo girl who was born after 3 boys and I would love to win these; she needs some more dolls! (And if I don’t win I think she still will be receiving Our Lady of Knock in her stocking!)
It’s hard to choose! Our Lady of Guadalupe because her picture is in our little oratory so my girls would recognize her.
They’re all so cute… Maybe OL Lourdes?
Thinking about St. Nicholas for my Godson!
I’d have to say Our Lady of Knock for my Irish girls!
I have not seen these before but LOVE them! They would be perfect for both the prayer table at home and in my CCD class of K/1st. I cannot wait till the St. Francis is out as he is one of my favorite saints. It would be a blessing to have any of them.
I love the blessed virgins from around the world, especially Our Lady of Kibeho.
The Our Lady of Knock doll fits with our Irish heritage.
I love the Our Lady of Guadalupe doll. My husband and I have a devotion to her.
We would love to have a set of these for our family to use! Thanks for the giveaway!
Our Lady of Guadalupe is my favorite!
Our Lady of Knock!
I love the Our Lady of Guadalupe doll!
Thinking of the name Patrick for our little one due next year, so would love one of him!
Love the Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our lady of Knock. Can’t wait to see the ones from their coming soon list make their debut!!!
These dolls are so cute! I love St. Therese of Lisieux!
Precious dolls! I love Our Lady of China!
These are so wonderful! I’ve been looking for great faith-based gifts to give my girls in their stockings and these are perfect! I especially love the one of OL of Fatima.
These are so sweet! I would be happy to have any of them for my niece!
I love the Our Lady of Lourdes, so simple and so pretty!
I love the Our Lady of Fatima!
My little girls would love these! Perfect idea for St. Nicholas day. I think since my oldest loves saying her name Our Lady of Czestochowa would be lovely.
I love them all, especially St. Patrick and Our Lady of Guadalupe.
I would love to add Our Lady of Fatima to my girls’ collection or St. Patrick’s for my son (who already has St. Nicholas!) 🙂
They are so cute! The St. Francis of Assissi doll is my favorite because I spent a few months living with Franciscan Sisters before getting married!
These dolls are adorable! I’ve been looking for a good way to introduce the saints to my 18 mo. old, and dolls would be perfect.
My son and daughter would love these!
We looked at the website, and my kids loved all the dolls. Thank you so much for sharing. We especially liked Our Lady of Aparecida. The my husband’s mother is from Brazil so it was cool to see “Our Lady of where Grandma is from” :o)
Thanks again!
These are so adorable! I myself, love the Our Lady of Guadalupe one but I bet my boy would like St. Nicholas or St. Patrick 🙂
I love Our Lady of Lourdes! Actually, I really love them all!
Love them all! I’ve always loved OL of Fatima and Lourdes and have a special bond with OL of Guadalupe and Knock as our kids have Irish and Mexican blood!
We have three already – love them! I would love to give my toddler Our Lady of Lourdes 🙂
Oh I love these! I was wondering what to get my little goddaughter for Christmas. My favorite is the Our Lady of China doll. Our neighbors are Chinese and I’ve been wondering how to introduce them to Catholicism. Our Lady is always the answer.
Our Lady of Knock is my absolute favorite, but I love them all! They are all so darling.
I love them all, but my favorite is the Our Lady of Guadalupe Doll.
I love the Our Lady of Knock doll – she’s not one you see too often!
Our Lady of Czestochowa!
These are the perfect St. Nicholas Day gifts! I would love Our Lady of Knock, St. Patrick, and St. Nicholas. Really… I want them all!
I LOVE the Our Lady of Guadalupe – and I know my daughter would love her too!
Those are great! I love the Our Lady of Guadalupe doll.
I think these are such great learning tools for children! I especially love Our Lady of Guadelupe. She is my Aunts namesake!
Oh, I’m so bummed! I thought these might be wood or some other material, but then I noticed –as you mentioned– that they are vinyl. :(. Vinyl is made of PVC, and it releases VOCs (volatile organic compounds). That vinyl smell — You are smelling VOCs. PVC and VOCs are carcinogenic and an endocrine disruptors, meaning they mess with your hormones. Nasty stuff. I am somewhat familiar with it, because my husband worked as an environmental geologist for many years, and they had do a lot of groundwater remediation for VOCs. That stuff gets into everything, partly because it is used in many products. While it is impossible to completely avoid vinyl in life, I make it a point to not intentionally purchase it for my children’s toys or most children’s products. New vinyl gives off more VOCs, and wet vinyl is more toxic. A real bummer, since vinyl is often used as waterproof material, like for shower curtains and mattress protectors, and for children’s toys. So I definitely wouldn’t let my baby play with vinyl in the bathtub or suck on a vinyl toy just to minimize their exposure.
That being said, I wouldn’t worry too much if your child has been exposed to it. All children are exposed to some degree. We grew up with lots of vinyl. No reason to panic. And if a Mom has no problem with vinyl, then I don’t blame her –We all have to pick our battles, and there are too many to even hope to tackle. I just make it a point to avoid it, and these adorable dolls are vinyl! Darn!
oh my I really hope I’m the lucky winner I’ve been ogling these dolls for some time now, especially our lady of czestochowa. Polish catholic here! Their website has some cute free printables as well!
I absolutely love the Our Lady of Czestochowa doll! So sweet!
We love the story of St. Patrick! And would live to have a doll to go with our storytelling!
Adorable. These would be great for my baby niece or the little one I’m expecting in March! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, I forgot my favorite–but I’m only entering the giveaway once for this. I’ve been learning more and more about Our Lady of Fatima this year, and would love to share the story with my kids this way.
I love the Our Lady of Fatima doll! My daughter and I both have May birthday and I was born on the 13th! My family is from Portugal and my grandma always goes to Fatima on my birthday to light a candle 🙂
I lived in France for a year, so I am a little biased towards Our Lady of Lourdes 🙂
It says St. Therese of Lisieux is coming soon–I would love to get one of those when available. Great shop and giveaway, thanks Haley!
I’ve seen these before they’re super cute! I’ve been trying to find great saint toys for my kids, so I just started making some. I’ll have them going on Etsy by Thanksgiving. 🙂
Our lady of guadalupe
We have St. Nicholas, Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Knock. We would love a few more.
St. Patrick!
I would love a St. Nicholas doll for my 1yo!
For others who might run into the same problem: the website is kind of hard to navigate, but the st. Nicholas dolls are for sale on (the link on the original website takes you straight to amazon. PSA!) 🙂
These would be great for my girls!! Glad to know about them!
Oh so many lovely dolls to choose from! We especially love St. Therese and St. Joseph 🙂
our Lady of Guadalupe
i love them!
Thank you for sharing this!!! I have been wondering what to get my one year old for her stocking!
I LOVE our Lady of Czestochowa, especially because I got to visit her shrine in Poland while in college!! I was looking at these dolls over the summer and thinking of getting some for my 19 month old this Christmas. 🙂
I like them all but the St. Patrick one looks cool although didn’t find it on the website.
Has to be John Paul II!
There are so many great ones! I just recently learned about Our Lady of Kibeho, so I would love to have her for my children!
How cute are these?!?! My favorite is probably St. Nicholas
I love the Lady of Lourdes doll, but they are each so beautifully detailed. These are truly wonderful.
I’ve had my eye on these dolls for our girls for some time now. Our Lady of Guadalupe is definitely a favorite in our family!
They are all beautiful! I love Our Lady of Fatima the most – live the detail of her Immaculate Heart! 🙂
I just found your blog from a friend and am loving it. These are so cute and would be great stocking stuffers.
Love these. We’ve given away several of them on the feast of St. Nicolas because they make such great treats to find that morning. 🙂
Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Love the St Nicholas doll; he’s been on my wish list for a few years, now. 🙂
I’ve been eyeing these dolls for awhile now! Especially Our Lady of Knock!
What sweet little dolls! 🙂
Our Lady of Czestochowa is very special to our family.
I love all the Saint ones and Our Lady of Guadalupe is my favorite of the Our Lady dolls. I’ve had my eye on these for a while!
Guadalupe and Francis are my faves!
I really like Our Lady of Knock!
Thank you for sharing these with us! I’d never seen them before! Goodness, how do I choose a favorite? I love our lady of China, and Czetsochowa, but if I have to choose one I think it would be St. Francis of Asissi.
We have three of these dolls and they are definately a favorite. When I bought them last year for St. Nicholas day, not all of these were available. I would love to be able to add the other Mary dolls and St. Patrick (I have a Patrick…and a Nicholas) to our collection!
The Saint Nicholas doll is my favorite! Thanks for the giveaway!
Oooh I love the Our Lady dolls! I haven’t thought about St Nicks yet…this would be perfect!
They are all lovely, but I would choose Our Lady of Czestochowa.
I would love our lady of knock for my baby coming in June!
🙁 sad I cant enter from Canada, those look so adorable!
I really like all of them! If I had to choose I think I’d go with Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is beautiful!
How adorable!! And I love St. Nicholas!
So hard to choose – I’ll go with Our Lady of Lourdes!
All the our lady dolls are so special, but I thnk I love our lady of Fatima the most!
So cute! My little ones would like them very much 🙂
I like St Catherine of Siena!
We love the O.L. Of Guadalupe doll that was given to our baby as a gift from her Godparents last Christmas and we would love more!!! I especially love the St. Nicholas, O.L. Of Fatima, O.L. Of Lourdes and St. Patrick!
St. Nicholas is my favorite – would love these for my kiddos. So much more than “just another doll.”
Love these! Favorite would have to be a toss-up between OL of Knock and OL of Mt. Carmel (my two oldest daughters’ princesses).
Um, that should say patronesses. Thanks, autocorrect!
These are adorable! I have never seen them. As you said, they would make fabulous gifts! Thanks for the chance to win!
Our Lady of Lourdes
These are adorable!!
We are adopting our baby girl from China and would LOVE to have Our Lady of China , but can’t find it anywhere. Would like Our Lafy of knock, St Patrick or St Nick.
The Our Lady of Lourdes is my favorite one! So sweet & simple! I can’t wait for the St. Joseph one to become available.
love the Black Madonna!
Just got Our Lady of Knock and St. Patrick at a baby shower earlier this month (our first is due in 2 1/2 weeks!), and we’re so excited to have baby-safe saint toys for our little one. We’d love to build our collection even more!
Being at a Polish parish, we’d love Our Lady of Czestochowa, since her icon hangs in the sanctuary! Or Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Or, gosh, any of them! 🙂
I purchased the St. Nicholas dolls for my girls for his feast day on Dev. 6th. It’s so hard to choose a favorite, but I think I like Our Lady of Czestochowa best!
Love the Our Lady of Fatima but all are adorable and perfect for little ones.
I love ALL of the dolls and would like to buy them all eventually. I am really looking forward to all the saints that are coming soon (…how soon???!). My five year old daughter has Our Lady of Lourdes and feels very comforted having her by her bed at night. Our Lady of Czestochowa is probably next. What a beautiful, simple and gentle way to have the children become more familiar with Our Lady and the Saints!
I always buy these for baby presents! They’re seriously adorable and so practical. Mama Mary babies for my babies! Heck ya!
My favorite of the currently available is St. Nicholas. Haley, I just adore the tradition y’all have of the gifts the kiddos get on Dec. 6! We will be doing starting the tradition of our kids getting 3 gifts–a ‘need’, a ‘want’, and a faith item. After all, our Savior received 3:)
As for the ‘coming soon’ dolls, I’m looking forward to St. Joseph.
Will definitely be buying these as gifts for lots of friends kids. Thanks for sharing this great resource!
St. Nicholas would be nice for his feast day. our Lady of China is my favorite but it looks like it’s not out yet, so St. Nicholas is my next favorite but I want them all
St. Nicholas is my favorite
Love the Lady of Guadalupe!
Wow, these are just too neat! I love the St. Nicholas doll. I’m also really excited they are releasing a St. Therese doll. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
all are adorable but my favorite is st Patrick who reminds me of a wonderful priest I worked for.
These dolls are the best!!
Oh, these are so cute.
ST. JOE!! He is my beau 🙂
I couldn’t see the rafflecopter widget to enter, so will just leave a comment here. Have been looking at these for a couple of years… love all of them, but am hoping to get a St. Nicholas (at least for one of my kids lol).
I really love all the dolls, but I think Our Lady of Guadalupe might be my favorite!
I love these dolls but I can’t wait for the new saint dolls to arrive. Especially JPII & Therese.
Oh my word! I can’t pick. Ummm…..can I say that OLOG, St. Nicholas, and Saint Joseph are all my favorite? 🙂
Also, I don’t have a Twitter account, but is there any way to share on Facebook to get an entry?
Wow! These are awesome! I want so many different ones. I love St. Nick!
i love this!! great gift idea too:)
These are too cute and would make a great gift for my 8 month old!
Our family is in a Carmelite groups…so Our Lady of Mount Carmel would be my pick 🙂
I love EVERY SINGLE ONE!! If I had to pick one, I would start with Our Lady of Guadalupe.
love the Guadalupe one!
These have been on my wishlist forever, would LOVE to win one!
I’m so glad you are featuring these dolls! I LOVE them. I love seeing my Goddaughter give Our Lady of Guadalupe big slobbery 10 month old kisses.
They are my go to baby shower and baptism gifts, but older kids and adults also seem drawn to them.
My family would love to have the Our Lady of Guadalupe doll. Beautiful!
They are all adorable. I especially love Our Lady of Fatima. Our family has a special devotion. Our second daughter is even named Lucia Fatima :-).
My son went on a pilgrimage to Poland this year, so Our Lady of Czestochowa is perfect for him this year. Also love, Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Guadalupe, and to be honest, all of them 🙂
Love the Virgen of Guadalupe.
We LOVE these! We have our lady of knock and she is my 2year olds fav toy!! Thank you
Our Lady of Charity of Cuba is the favorite here.
love the dolls
They are all so wonderful but we love Our Lady of Czestochowa.
Our Lady of Czestochowa because our family and parish have had a special devotion to her for a long time!
I have been wanting to get Our Lady of Fatima for my baby Rosemary Lucia!
I really like St Nicholas, but all the Mary’s are great too!! I cant wait to get my hands on a St Pio!
Love all the Marian dolls!
I love the Our Lady of Guadalupe doll
I LOVE the Our Lady of Guadalupe doll. Oh so much.
Our Lady of Knock. We live in the land of the Irish here in South Bend, so love to collect Catholic faith-items related to Ireland!
These are wonderful! I shared on facebook.
I want these, too! If I don’t win, I’ll definitely be buying some anyways!
Whoops, didn’t read the whole directions! I really want St. Nicholas for my son and Our Lady of Guadalupe for my little Marie.
so precious! would make the perfect gift for my goddaughter!
I adore the St. Therese of Lisieux Keychain! What great gifts; thanks for the recommendation!
Any one of the Virgin Mary – so rare to see all the various portrayals of our Mother in one, adorable place. Can’t wait for my daughter to have these Saints!
LOVE the prayer cards, too!!!!
What sweet little dolls! I’m glad to learn about this company.
Our lady of Guadalupe!!
I really like little St. Nicholas! It would be fantastic to find him next to the shoes for his feast day.
How adorable! Who wouldn’t want St. Nick arriving right on his feast day?!
My husband and I were just talking about what St. Nicholas traditions we’d like to start with our 5-month-old. Thanks for the great ideas! We might have to get him a St. Nicholas this year.
They’re all so wonderful! I would give my daughter St Elizabeth of Hungary first, because she loves to go visit the Marian statues at our church, but Elizabeth looks like a princess! It would be so easy to get a conversation started about her! (As a bonus, my in-laws are from Hungary).
St. Nicholas would be a fantastic St. Nicholas Day gift or Christmas stocking stuffer!
St. Nicholas is our favorite, indeed!
This is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for since my 1 year old broke the head and hand off of his little JPII statue. #notstcatherineofsiena
My 4 year old loves these. We have Knock, Lourdes, the “Black Madonna”, and for St. Nick’s Day she is getting St. Nicholas. I can’t choose a favourite but I am so excited they finally released Our Lady of Fatima!
Got one for our Goddaughter and niece last Christmas and they love them! I love how they are all one piece and it’s the perfect gift for any age!! Can’t pick a favorite though! 🙂
Our Lady of Czestochowa is my favorite!
St. Nicholas is adorable and perfect for the season. These dolls would make such wonderful gifts for our many young goddaughters!
i just came across these they are wonderful
These are too cute!! My (almost) 8 month old would love them!
I love the Our Lady Of Czhecostowa!! We are joining the Domestic Church marriage movement, which is from Poland, so I would love to learn more about this apparition, and teach my kids about it too!
Squee! I can’t wait for the Hildegard one 🙂
I love the St. Nicholas doll! It’s great to have some male saints for the little boys!
My favorite is the Our Lady of Mount Carmel doll. Would love to win this set.
They are ALL precious! I will be buying some of these for our kids for sure. I would have to decide between Our Lady of Fatima, Lourdes or Guadelupe…can’t choose!
So cute! It’s hard to pick a favorite, but since I must… Our Lady of Guadalupe!
So in love Our Lady of Mount Carmel!
We have Our Lady Of Knock! We love it. I would love to add Our Lady of Guadalupe, see is holding Baby Jesus and we love babies. 🙂
Oh. I was wrong. It is Our Lady of Czestochowa!
Our Lady of Guadalupe for my goddaughter : – )
Those look amazing! I am stealing them next time I’m at your house.
OK, I liked them all so much I actually ordered all of them for St. Nicholas day gifts for our kids and godson. But I’d like another Our Lady of Guadalupe, and I’ll pretend it’s for the baby but it’s really for me.
ohmigosh how to choose! our oldest is John Diego, so of course OLOG but we are cuban on my dad’s side and our whole family wears the medals of Our Lady of Charity – NOONE ever knows that aparition!! so… that one.
and st. nicholas and i can’t wait for Francis and Martin de Porres and and and <3
My favorite is “Our Lady of Charity of Cobre”, but they’re all wonderful!
I would get St. Patrick for our ten month old. Though once St. Francis of Assisi comes out, we’ll have to get him too!
We have St. Nicholas, and would love to have more! 🙂
St. Therese is my favorite 🙂
These would be perfect for my 16 month old! We’re always looking for things to teach him about our faith even at this age!
Ah I forgot to mention that I love the St. Patrick one!
I love our Lady of Czestochowa!!
These are adorable! My favorite is definitely Saint Nicholas! We have decided to start a tradition with our little family this year, and will be celebrating Saint Nicholas and the Feast of the Epiphany for our gift giving days. You can take credit for some of this inspiration. 🙂
My kids would love ALL of these, but I kind of love Our Lady of China 🙂
Our Lady of Guadalupe is so adorable!
Our Lady of Knock or At Nicholas! They are all amazing though!
My favorite is Our Lady of Guadalupe.
I have been wanting to get these dolls for my daughter for such a long time! I love them all!
Really….I would love Our Lady of Knock.
St. Patrick is pretty cool! Thanks for hosting!
What a great way to teach the kids! Our Lady of Czestochowa is my fave
I would love to win these for my first baby coming soon! These are wonderful toys!
I love St. Francis the best!
Lourdes is my favorite. I hope they continue to expand the collection. I’d love a St. Cecilia doll.
I would love to gift these to my god-daughter for Christmas!
These dolls are soooo cute! I can’t just pick one favorite 🙂
Oh my goodness, these are adorable! Thanks for sharing!
I love Our Lady of China, but they are all wonderful!
I think the St. Elizabeth of Hungary might be my favorite “coming soon” doll. So cute!
I like St. Nick. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love St. Nicholas! So hard to choose!
What a darling giveaway, Haley! I love Our Lady of Lourdes, Padre Pio and I can’t wait for JPII to be available!
Our lady of Knock
I love both St. Nicholas and St. Patrick for our son! Maybe St. Nick for Dec. 6th and St. Patrick for his Christmas morning stocking. Just so cute!
And thanks for posting an idea that works for the little kids. My son just turned one, and most ideas like this that I see are geared for the 4+ crowd.
Those are so cute! Hard to choose a favorite but I might have to pick St. Therese of Lisieux.
I love Our Lady of Knock!
I have the St. nicholas and would love the St. Patrick! they are all so cute!
I was just looking at these for St. Nicholas day. I would love to win some! 🙂
I commented too quickly! I would love to get the Our Lady of Lourdes doll (and all the others! ) 🙂
OK, so I couldn’t wait and already ordered one of these for a friend’s daughter (Our Lady of Guadalupe; her bday is Dec 12), but I would love to win another for our own kids! So hard to decide. I love the St. Patrick and St. Nick, and the Our Lady of Czestochowa, but any of these would be neat to have. Thanks for holding the giveaway!
I love these dolls! And my girls would be so excited to play with them! I ordered a St. Nick already for St. Nicholas Day, and I can’t wait to get it!
These would be perfect for my 14 month old!
I have such a devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes, so she is probably my favorite 🙂
Love St. Francis!!
Love the St. Nick doll!
Love the St. Nicholas doll!
Mt. Carmel!
Vailankanni!!! Because, as an historian of Marian apparitions, NO ONE ever knows about this one!!
I love them all, but my favorite is Our Lady of Czestochowa. Adorable!