I’m just dropping in to let you wonderful readers know that you can get our print book for cheap on Amazon and why that is.
Here’s the deal (and it’s kind boring so feel free to scroll down to the bottom line at the end), we set up our print version with a company called CreateSpace that is a part of Amazon. When Daniel and I set the price, we priced it so that we would receive the same amount from a print sale that we do from an ebook sale ($7.99). It’s a big book (124 pages), there’s a lot of recipes (23), and there’s tons of information about the Christian Year, the saints, and living liturgically. It represents a huge (I don’t even want to think about how many hours, days, weeks, months) amount of time (so many late nights and early mornings) and hard work from the garden to the table to the photographs to the writing to the formatting and so on. We think it’s a valuable book and we have to pay the bills and feed our kids and all that good stuff. But we also want it to be affordable enough that anyone could pick up a copy without it being a hardship. Because we think it’s an important book and we want to share it with you.
So…that’s why I really want you to know that today Amazon.com is selling our book for $15.87 (it just dropped from around $20, I have no idea if or when they’ll change the pricing). When it’s sold at Amazon.com, we receive less than half of the royalties we make through our CreateSpace link, but I think that the $7 different in price for you (plus free shipping if you have Amazon prime) is a significant price difference that you should know about so you can enjoy that deal! I would much rather you get to share the liturgical year with us at an affordable price even if we’re not getting the same cut.
So the short version: if the $21.99 price tag was too much, but $15.87 sounds manageable, do NOT feel bad about ordering through Amazon and enjoying that deal. If you’d rather go through CreateSpace, then bless your heart and we’re grateful. But when I saw today that the price difference was now more than the $1-and-some-change price difference it used to be, I really wanted you to know that buying through Amazon is an option! And I wouldn’t want someone to see the price difference and think we’re trying to overcharge for the book!
So, to clarify: you can buy our ebook for $7.99, you can buy our print book through CreateSpace for $21.99, or you can buy through Amazon for $15.87 (a smaller cut for us, but so much cheaper for you, that I think it’s totally worth it!). So enjoy that 30% off deal and if you really loved the book, maybe write a little review on Amazon and help a sister out? *wink wink*
And since all that was pretty booooooooring. Here’s a couple cute pictures from St. Nicholas Day to liven things up:
Brown paper packages tied up with string!
These are a few of my favorite things after 7am Mass (Yes! we actually made it ON TIME. No one’s more surprised than I am!)
Did you have a special St. Nicholas Day?
glad to know about it! I already bought a copy of the ebook, but I do love having a paper copy and this price is a little easier to justify for a second copy. I’m still telling everyone I know about it!
Thanks so much, Erin!
Haley, you are adorable!!! Merry Christmas to you and the family!
You are sweet! And to you ; )
I bought the e-book about two weeks ago. LOVE IT! I’m not Catholic, but have always felt that a liturgical year made sense and wanted to begin to follow it. We didn’t really do much for St. Nicholas Day, but I made a Dutch supper as my husband’s side of the family is Dutch. (And they celebrate St. Nicholas Day in Holland.) Next year, I’m hoping to read a story about St. Nicholas to my son, put out klompens, make Dutch spice cookies, and celebrate the life of a great man of God.
Love those ideas! I need to perfect a good Gluten-Free Spekulaas (sp?) cookie recipe for next year. And I’m SO glad you like the book!
What a sweet family pic 🙂
Just bought the paperback as a Christmas gift for my sister! So excited to hear what she thinks 🙂
Merry Christmas!