I’ve told you about how I started using a crock pot after my friend Stephanie of Mama and Baby Love taught me about slow cooker freezer meals and how it saves me from the 4-5pm meltdown making me a much nicer mama in the afternoons and I mentioned how much we’re enjoying her Grain-Free/Gluten-Free Baking eCookbook a couple of weeks ago. I’m excited to tell you that Steph has a new back-to-school themed mini-cookbook of freezer meals out today! Yay! We had almost made it through all the recipes in her first cookbook, so I can’t wait to try out some new ones and they look amazing, yes?
This mini-cookbook is 6 recipes of real food slow cooker meals for $4.99.
And for those of you who have been thinking about purchasing her first eCookbook of slow cooker meals From Your Freezer to Your Family, it’s half off until August 14th. So, you get get both cookbooks for the original price of the first one!
Stephanie’s also giving away some freebies if you purchase before August 14th: a Slow Cooker Tips and Tricks PDF and a 2 hour audio lesson about using the slow cooker freezer meal cookbooks.
If you’re not familiar with her method, Steph’s eCookbooks are formatted so you can prep multiple meals at a time.
And then you keep individual meals in the freezer, ready to put in the slow cooker whenever you need them.
We’re just homeschool preschooling our oldest child so the “back-to-school” season isn’t a particularly busy one for us, but I’m sure it is for some of you mamas. Learning to use my slow cooker so that it was second nature after Baby Gwen was born was a huge saver of my sanity!
I can’t wait til the weather cools down enough to try the Harvest Pork Roast!
You can purchase Stephanie’s cookbooks on her web site, Mama and Baby Love.
If you’d like to check out some of Steph’s recipes from the first eCookbook you can find them here.
(Links to the MBL eCookbooks are affiliate links. I only tell you about products that I would use or have used myself and that I love.)
The cookbook looks great, but I have to ask are those REUSABLE freezer bags in the photo? If you know anything about those too could you pass them on?
yes ma’am! they are reusable bags called neat-os: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0096RVABQ/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0096RVABQ&linkCode=as2&tag=carroformicha-20
I’m with Molly! Are those reusable freezer bags? I have to know more!!!! Thanks!
They are! See link above!
I love the idea of this, especially the fact that it uses real food. That’s my biggest deterrent to using the crockpot more – all the recipe are like, “put in a package of prepared this”, “a can of prepared that” and “an 8-oz chunk of Velveeta”. Gross.
But there is no way I can use an eCookbook. I don’t own a tablet, smart phone, or even a laptop, so there’s no convenient way to look at electronic recipes while in the kitchen. Do you know if she has/will have any “hard copies”??
Yes she does! I don’t know if there’s a print version of the back-to-school minicookbook, but you can get the print version of the original cookbook here: https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?cl=201500&c=ib&aff=212494
I’m *very* interested in those bags as well! The product page doesn’t say anything about them being freezer safe…I take it you haven’t had any issues with freezer burn or leaking or with the bags not performing well? Because we spend a fortune each year on freezer bags, even with coupons and sales (plus I always feel guilty throwing them away), so if this would work, that would be awesome!
April – have you ever considered washing out your plastic bags and reusing them? That’s what we do. I throw them away only when they break, or after they had something pretty gross in them. I label them so that chicken goes in previous “chicken” bags, etc. It makes them last much longer. If cost is your main concern here, it seems like this would be cheaper than the reusable ones which cost $16/bag, and I assume will eventually degrade as well.
April, I haven’t used those reusable bags, but Stephanie has been really happy with them. You could definitely check with her (over at Mama and Baby Love) about the freezer burn/leaking issues. She’s great at getting back to folks!
Have you or will you be doing a post on Homeschool preschool?? I want to do it but I have no idea where to start! She already knows alot. Thanks!!
I have written a couple of posts about it, but definitely need to do a follow up! here’s what I’ve written in the past: http://carrotsformichaelmas.com/2012/08/22/preschooling-at-home-our-vision/
Thank you so much! I love love LOVE your blog. You inspire me so so much!! Thank you!