It’s been quiet at Carrots this week, friends. I got hit by another bout of serious morning sickness and have been out of commission for a couple of days. Thank heavens for my mom and my in-laws who took care of the kids almost all day yesterday so that I could rest and recover from some fun pregnancy vomiting. I spent the whole day in bed with ginger ale and Harry Potter audiobooks.
Anyhow, instead of a This Week’s Miscellany, I thought I’d share some photos from our trip to a local Christmas Tree farm last weekend with Daniel’s family. It is such a fun tradition for Benjamin. Who am I kidding? I love it just as much as he does! And this year, Miss Lucy got to really participate in the fun (last year she was a wee little thing.)
Please just pause and examine the adorableness of this toothy little grin. Also: is not one of the great joys of motherhood dressing your children up in amazing/embarrassing holiday sweaters? Oh. My. Love it.
Look at that precious face of joy and his ridiculously long hair! Don’t fear, I gave him a haircut after this pic was taken. He had put up a valiant resistance to haircuts due to how “itchy” the experience is, but I wore him down in the end. Doesn’t he look huge? I keep thinking of last year when he looked like this:
Cuteness! And prepare yourselves for the sweetness of an almost-two-year-old at Christmas:
Christmas Tree farm 2010! Excuse me while I have a little “Where has my baby boy gone?!” moment….ahem. *Not Teary-eyed!*
And now for more pictures of my Lucy Baby than you could possibly be interested in seeing…I just can’t help myself. Blame it on pregnancy hormones?
Baby girl was more interested in playing with leaves and sticks and dried grass than picking out trees.
I look at her a million times a day and can never get over how beautiful she is.
Where’s Lucy?
Hobbit child?
Lucy and her beautiful grandmother.
Precious loves.
We went last Saturday so that we could have the lights up on the tree by Gaudete Sunday (we’re waiting til Christmas Eve to decorate with ornaments.)
At 18 weeks!
In the plans today: some last minute Christmas errands (we exchange gifts with our kids on St. Nicholas Day but exchange gifts with Daniel’s family on Christmas Day.) And coming up soon: our 12 Days of Christmas plans!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful weekend and beautiful and peaceful final days of Advent!
p.s. I’ll be linking up this post on Monday for our Little HolyDays link-up and I’ll be “curating” the posts from last week so check back on Monday when I feature my very favorite posts of yours! There were some good ‘uns last week that I can’t wait to share 🙂
if only i didn’t live in south florida. then i would definitely dress my kids in fabulous christmas sweaters.
came across your blog when a friend sent me your book list for girls. great books. i’m having fun browsing your advent posts. i’m always up for more advent encouragement/ideas for my little people.