Happy 27th Birthday Apple Streusel Breakfast to the most wonderful husband and daddy!
This man. I am grateful for him every single day. Of the innumerable things I adore about him, I love that he is constantly creating. He writes poems and stories. He grows food from the ground. He bakes bread and cooks feasts. He builds beautiful things out of wood. And he loves his family and takes care of us. He works long hours so that I can stay home with our babies. He can calm infants, change diapers, build changing tables and learning towers, and makes our little girl smile and laugh like no one else can. He builds dinosaurs with our boy, tells him about the things that live and grow in the world around him, tucks him in at night, and teaches him about Our Precious Lord. He prays for us, asks Our Lady for protection for our family, leads us, loves us and above all grows ever more devoted to Christ Jesus, Our Lord. His love and friendship fills my life with grace and I can’t imagine sharing life with anyone else.
Happy Birthday, Daniel. We are the luckiest to have you leading our family. We love you so.
That baby is just so adorable. That is one great photo of dad and daughter. 🙂
Thanks! She’s a cutie 🙂